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wenglor Student Software Challenge 2024

The WSSC 2024 started. Good luck with solving the task.


The challenge is to create an application that can extract barcodes from normal images accurately. Participants must develop a solution that ensures accurate code extraction from clean images. The emphasis is on efficiency in code extraction and seamless data visualization. Additionally, a web application will be designed to highlight the processed data through a user-friendly interface, facilitating easy validation and interaction.
EAN-13 Barcode extraction: Given a set of input images (number.jpg), located in the "Input Files" directory, generate an output.txt. In the output.txt file every line should contain image name + “->” + extracted barcode (e.g. 1.jpg -> 0282925037198). The image format used for the input is JPG. Only EAN-13 Barcode has to be extracted. More info about EAN-13.

The application for this task should be a console application written in any programming language as long as the executable is runnable by our evaluator.exe evaluation tool. You will also receive a txt file called references.txt. You can use this file to check if your program extracted the bar codes correctly.
NOTE: If you use esoteric languages please also provide a docker container for building.

Please do not submit the output.txt file, since it should be generated by your compiled executable.

10 extra points: The extra directory contains an extra set of images. All these images have several barcodes. If you manage to extract the correct barcodes from at least one image, you will receive 10 extra points. Generate an output_multiple_barcodes.txt in which every line should contain image name + “->” + extracted barcodes separated by comma (e.g 1.jpg -> 0282925037198, 0292852307018).
NOTE: You must use the same code base for this optional task.

Helpful ideas:
  1. Consider using a parallel approach.
  2. Think about making compromises between execution speed and memory consumption.
  3. Think about compiler flags if it is the case.
  4. You can use an AI/ML approach.
Web image visualization: Given the set of images above, create a web application that can display them, and next to each image the extracted barcode corresponding to the displayed image. The format of the web application and the technologies/languages used are not restricted in any way.

Entries will consist of a demo (either video or a live, hosted instance of the app) and optionally a set of slides highlighting the main features and how the application is working.
If you will qualify for a prize, you will be required to come in for a demo and a presentation of the application’s functionalities and code.


For the first task, the scoring will be done with the help of the evaluator and barcode_validator tool included in this package. Every valid entry will be scored on a 70p scale as follows:
  • 12p memory consumption:
    your_score = LMC/YMC*12
    LMC - lowest average memory consumption
    YMC - average memory consumption of your application
  • 18p execution speed, the total time spent to complete correctly all tasks:
    your_score = LET/YET*18p
    LET - lowest average execution time
    YET - average execution time of your application
  • 20p output score, the quality computed based on the barcode_validator.exe tool:
    your_score = HNIS/YNIS*20p
    HNIS - highest number of images solved
    YNIS - your number of images solved
  • 20p application design & code readability:
    your_score = code review performed by the contest's organizer

For the second task, the contest jury (formed by employees of the organizer) will do the scoring. Every valid entry will be scored on a 30p scale considering criteria like usability, code cleanliness and structure.

The scores from each task will be summed in order to create the final score.

At least 50p are needed to qualify for a prize. Only the first three projects registering the highest score will be financially rewarded, as specified in the flyer.

Testing Environment

  1. Windows 10 on Intel Core i7-11850H CPU
  2. For computing memory consumption and execution speed, the evaluator.exe tool provided in the package will be used.
  3. For computing the output score, the barcode_validator.exe tool provided in the package will be used.

Using evaluator.exe: copy your executable file in the package folder and run the evaluator tool with your executable as start parameter. Once the evaluation is ready, it will generate a report containing the evaluation results.  Alternatively, just double click the evaluator tool after copying your executable in the same directory.

Using barcode_validator.exe: after you have generated the output.txt file, you can run the barcode_validator.exe check tool and see how well you have done, output.txt and references.txt must be in same directory when running barcode_validator.exe.


Wenglor Student Software Challenge Files
Wenglor Student Software Challenge Files (52 MB)
This document contains the Files you need to complete the Task.

Contest Schedule

22th March – 21st April 2024
Submit your contact details (no source files included) to paul.barbu@wenglor.com and tell us:
  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Current university and specialization
  • Current year of university
  • Where did you find out about this contest
  • Current place of work (applicable only if you are a working student)
After you sent your contact details, you will receive a link to a wecloud page where you can upload your sources.

22nd April – 10th May 2023
We will evaluate the submitted solutions. This may also include the need to present your solutions at the company site. We will contact you if this will be the case.

13th – 18th May 2023
Granting contest awards at Wenglor headquarters.

  • You must be a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree student in Sibiu to participate
  • You must not be an actual or former Wenglor employe
In case you require further details, please contact us by e-mail at  paul.barbu@wenglor.com.
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